Refund Policy
Refund Policy
If you would like to return an item and receive a refund please call us on 0330 536 145 or email [email protected] quoting your order number and stating the reason for your return.
Refunds must be requested within 60 days of delivery, still in their original packaging, in a re-sellable condition and a shelf live of at least 6 months.
Items for return can be sent to:
SPC Supplies
Unit 16A
Severn Bridge Industrial Estate
NP26 5PT
Please include a copy of your order information in the packaging for reference and the reason for returning the items.
Your refund will be returned via the same payment method used to place the original order within 5-7 business days, though may arrive sooner in some cases. If you have not received your refund within 7 business days please call us on 0330 536 145 or email us at [email protected] quoting your order number for reference.
We ask that you are at the delivery address to accept and inspect the order for any missing or damaged items. SPC Supplies does not accept any liability for items damaged or lost in transit.
We take every precaution to ensure that all orders are packaged carefully and leave our warehouse in good working order.
We accept that occasionally items can be faulty. Please notify us of any faulty products as soon as possible by calling 0330 536 145 or email us at [email protected] quoting your order number for reference.