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Sikalastic-1K – Flexible Waterproof Mortar
Sikalastic-1K is a one component, cementitious, fibre-reinforced mortar used for flexible waterproofing of concrete structures. Its highly elastic properties and water-resistant additives make it ideal for waterproofing surfaces that are subject to flexural strain, as well as protecting basement walls and hydraulic structures like swimming pools, basins and piping.
- Flexible waterproofing and protection of concrete structures including tanks, basins, pipes etc.
- Waterproofing of bathrooms, showers, terraces, bal- conies, swimming pools before the application of ceramic tiles bonded with adhesives
- Waterproofing of external wall surfaces to be back- filled in ground
- Inside waterproofing of negative water pressure of walls and floors in basements
- Flexible protection coating for reinforced concrete structures against the effects of freeze-thaw and carbon dioxide attack to improve durability
Characteristics/ Advantages
- One-component product, only water needs to be ad- ded
- Adjustable consistency, easy to apply by brush or trowel
- Good sag resistance and easy to apply, even on ver- tical surfaces
- Good crack-bridging ability
- Very good adhesion on many substrates including concrete, cement mortars, stone, masonry ▪ Can be applied on damp substrates
Approvals / Standards
- Declaration of Performance as surface protection product for concrete – coating for ingress protection, moisture control and increasing resistivity according to EN 1504-2:2004, based on certificate of factory production control issued by notified factory produc- tion control certification body and type testing.
- Italian Regulation D.M. 174-2004 (Drinking water)
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